Thursday, May 23, 2013

Thursday's Parsha Tidbits - Parshas Beha'aloscha

The following is a brief summary of thoughts said over by R' Frand on the parsha this evening. I have attempted to reproduce these vorts to the best of my ability. Any perceived inconsistency is the result of my efforts to transcribe the shiur and should not be attributed to R' Frand.

This week's parsha contains Hashem's command to Moshe to assemble the Sanhedrin. In these pesukim (Bamidbar 11:16-17), Hashem tells Moshe "Asfah Li" (take for me) these seventy men. Rashi explains that Hashem told Moshe that he will recognize these seventy men as they were previously chosen to be the policemen in Egypt. These men were set in charge of the Jews by the Egyptians and were tasked with assuring that the Jews met their quota. However, (unlike the kapos in the Holocaust) Rashi explains that these policemen were merciful to their fellow Jew and the policemen were made to absorb punishment when the Jews did not make their quota of bricks. Now, these men would receive their reward for being in pain when they were in Egypt.

Rabbi Frand asked - why is that these men received this form of reward? After all, a Judge is supposed to be more than just a supremely nice guy. No doubt, these men were merciful and brave, but how does that qualify them to be Judges in the Sanhedrin, the highest mortal court?

Rabbi Frand answered by quoting R' Moshe Shmuel Shapiro, who explained that we see from here that a person who takes on troubles for another, or who cries with and tries to understand another person's troubles, is rewarded with great wisdom and the ability to understand far more than the average person.

Rabbi Frand then tied this vort into a shiur said in the name of the Tolner Rebbi that R' Frand received via e-mail this afternoon. I will b'n try to summarize that vort in a post tomorrow, but I would like to add my own twist to R' Frand's answer.

Years ago, we had some family medical issues involving two different members of our family. At the time, I asked my shul Rav whether I should see a mikubal. My Rav told me - "don't go to a mikubal, go to a Rebbe. A Rebbe will sit with you and listen to you and cry with you and offer you advice and a beracha." 

I then went for the first time to New Square and met with the Rebbe. It was an unforgettable experience as the Rebbe had feet in both worlds and knew the questions to ask and made certain suggestions. I returned a few times later over the following years to speak with him about other matters and every time he had good advice and brachos. I was struck each time by how this saintly man had knowledge of the medical, professional, legal and business worlds as well as the world of Torah.

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