Friday, July 3, 2020

Pre Shabbos Ruach on Parshios Chukas-Balak

While running some errands on this Erev Shabbos/Fourth of July observed day, I heard a fascinating shiur from R' Mansour. This post is only a summary of some of the thoughts which I wanted to briefly summarize in a pre-Shabbos post. If you would like to watch or listen to the shiur, it is entitled Chukat-The Water's Song and can be downloaded or heard/watched on Same ground rules as always apply. Any perceived inconsistencies are the result of my efforts to transcribe the shiur and should not be attributed to R' Mansour.

Rabbi Mansour quoted a famous mishna in Pirkei Avos which discusses ten things created on Erev Shabbos Bein HaShemashos - the mouth of Miriam's Well, the mouth of the Earth that swallowed Korach and the mouth of Bilaam's donkey. These three "pi" connect the three parshios - Korach-Chukas-Balak.

R' Mansour said that there is a segulah for having a good davening to say Pi-Pi-Pi before davening. He quoted the Shem M'Shimon who cites a Yerushalmi in Sotah - Akavia Ben M'Hallel said look at three things and a person won't come to sin. This is a reference to the mishna in Pirkei Avos where R' Akiva says - know where you came from, where you are going and before Whom you will have to give reckoning and one won't come to sin. Where you came from - a putrid seed. Where you are going - corpse rot. And that you will have to give testimony about your life before Hashem.

The Yeushalmi next quoted a pasuk from Koheles - remember your Creator when you are young. The gemara states that you can read Borecha - three ways - Be'arecha, Borcha, Borecha. If read as Be'arecha - your wellspring -the source you came from. Borcha - your pit - where a person will be going after he finishes his days on this Earth. Borecha - your Creator - before Who you will be judged.

The Shem M'Shimon said that this is the connection of the three parshios. Korach is Borcha - where you are going. Chukas is Be'arecha - the well- where you are coming from. Balak is Borecha - your creator, as the mouth of the donkey rebuked Bila'am for not following his creator.

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1 comment:

avraham bukspan said...

really is fascinating. is there a way for me to hear the shiur? a link perhaps. thank you