The following is a brief summary of some of thoughts said over by R' Frand on the parsha last evening (due to being on the West Coast I was unable to blog this yesterday). I have attempted to reproduce these vorts to the best of my ability. Any perceived inconsistency is the result of my efforts to transcribe the shiur and should not be attributed to R' Frand.
Rabbi Frand began by quoting the Tolner Rebbi who states that there is a specific aspect of Sipur Yetzias Mitzrayim that Hashem wants us to speak about with our families. In Shemos 10:2 the Torah states וּלְמַ֡עַן תְּסַפֵּר֩ בְּאָזְנֵ֨י בִנְךָ֜ וּבֶן־בִּנְךָ֗ אֵ֣ת אֲשֶׁ֤ר הִתְעַלַּ֨לְתִּי֙ בְּמִצְרַ֔יִם . The meforshim explain that this is Hashem making a mockery of Egypt and Pharaoh himself. There are numerous times that the meforshim call Pharaoh a Rasha based on certain acts that he took. One of the primary examples is that Pharaoh used to bathe in the blood of Jewish children, which is an extreme beyond even what the Nazis did. Similarly, there is a well known Medrash that when the Egytians ran out of bricks they used Jewish children in place of the missing brick.
In Mishlei there is a pasuk which Rashi translates as referring to Pharaoh as a Letz. Pharaoh would make women do men's work which was a torture for them as the work was back breaking. But he also made men do women's work as it was degrading and it led the children of Egypt to laugh at the men.
R' Frand quoted a Gemara which states that when Hashem punishes someone, the punishment is Middah K'Neged Middah - it is particularly appropriate for the wrong that was committed.
R' Frand demonstrated the concept of the Middah K'Neged Middah as on the night of Makas Bechoros, Pharaoh went looking for Moshe and the Jewish children would joke with him and tell him that Moshe was in this house and then when he got there, he did not find him and then they told him that Moshe was in a different house.
This was the way that it happened in Mitzrayim and this is the way that it will be in the future.
R' Frand said a second vort related to Makkas Choshech. Rashi explains that the reason that this Makkah came was because there were Jews that did not want to leave Egypt and while Hashem wanted to kill them, He did not want them to die publicly so that the Egyptians could not say that the Jews were dying in the same way.
R' Frand noted that while we don't know who the Jews were who died in Choshech, but we do know that Dasan and Aviram did not. The Rosh states that this a proof that while they were evil, they did want to leave. Instead, the Jews who did not want to leave were "sugar daddies" who received payments and had positions of stature and did not want to lose their power.
R' Frand quoted R' Moshe Shternbuch who observed that the Geulah in the future will be much like the redemption from Egypt. If there are people in the future who don't want to leave, they will also not be the subject of the ultimate Geulah.
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