The following is a brief summary of some of thoughts said over by R' Frand on the parsha this evening. I have attempted to reproduce these vorts to the best of my ability. Any perceived inconsistency is the result of my efforts to transcribe the shiur and should not be attributed to R' Frand.
R' Frand began the vort by quoting the Gemara in Zevachim 88b which teaches that the reason that the laws of the clothing of the Kohain Gadol are near the laws of the sacrifices is to teach that just as the sacrifices atone, so do the clothes. The Gemara notes that the Ketones atones for murder, the Mitznefes for haughtiness, the Avnet for improper desires, the Choshen for improper judgments, the Efod for idol worship and the Me'il for Lashon Hara. R' Chanina then comments that a device with a voice (the bells on the bottom of the Me'il) will atone for sins of the voice.
The Torah tells us that the bottom of the Meil had bells and pomegranates which made the noise when the Kohain Gadol walked. But since the noise came from the bells - and the sound was a lesson that we should be careful with how we use our voice, what was the need for the pomegranates?
R' Frand quoted R' Immanuel Bernstein who cited the Gemara which states that Jews are compared to pomegranates in that even those who seem to be "empty" are as filled with Mitzvos as pomegranates.
R' Frand then noted that Lashon Hara comes from the eye and the heart and not the mouth. If you see someone who appears to be "empty," think about the pomegranate and realize that he is full of Mitzvos.
R' Frand also quoted R' Moshe Galanti who noted that the end of the Parsha contains the Mitzva of making the Mizbeach HaKetores. But why is the construction of this device here in Tezaveh as opposed to in Terumah where the instructions for fashioning the other objects is found? He answered that if any of the other devices were moved and then used in the wrong location in the Mishkan, they would not accomplish their task. This applies to items such as the Mizbeach where sacrifices were brought or the Menorah. But the Mizbeach HaKetores would still be effective, even if was in the wrong place.
This is why it it seemingly mentioned in the "wrong" Parsha.
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