Thursday, March 26, 2020

Thursday's Parsha Tidbits - Parshas Vayikra

The following is a brief summary of some of thoughts said over by R' Frand on the parsha this evening. I have attempted to reproduce these vorts to the best of my ability. Any perceived inconsistency is the result of my efforts to transcribe the shiur and should not be attributed to R' Frand.

R' Frand quoted R Sorotzkin of Telshe Yeshiva who wrote in the Sefer HaBina V'HaBracha a vort which R' Frand thought was appropriate for the current situation. Rashi writes on the first pasuk of the Parsha that Hashem spoke, but only Moshe heard it. And the sound of Hashem talking to Moshe did not leave the Miskhan. Rashi further explains that you might have thought it was a low voice, but that was incorrect. It was a powerful and splendid voice of Hashem that could fell cedar trees. 

So why was it confined in the Ohel Moed? Not because of the decibel level. R' Sorotzkin wrote that in his time (WWII) we saw that there was a powerful voice of Hashem that could destroy anything in its path, but we also saw the splendid voice of the rebuilding of the Yeshivos. 

R' Frand remarked that anyone with awareness would see that these events are the Yad Hashem. But the only way that one can see that it is the Yad Hashem is if you were in the Ohel Moed. But people who never went into the Ohel Moed would not recognize it, because he never understood the concept of Yad Hashem. For that person, even if the sound is deafening, he will not here.

R' Frand remarked that today they announced that 3 million people filed for unemployment which is a staggering number. These people lost their jobs because of social distancing, as even with modern medicine, we are not able to stop the virus from spreading.

R' Frand said that this is the pshat in Tehillim - Mah Gadlu Ma'asecha Hashem - Hashem's works are magnificent. But Ish Ba'ar Lo Yeda - a foolish person can live through life and not see Hashem's involvement and just blame it on people eating rats, bats or snakes. But the person who has been in the Ohel Mo'ed can see that it comes from Hashem. And the person who is does see that should daven to Hashem with all the tefillos and Tehillim as He can hear our prayers and be Rofeh Kol Basar.

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