Thursday, June 16, 2022

Thursday's Parsha Tidbits - Parshas Beha'alosecha

Due to the Bar-Mitzva of his grandson, R' Frand did not deliver his live shiur. However R' Frand did post a pre-recorded Parsha vort on OU Torah which I have summarized here. This week's vort can be found at, but I have attempted to reproduce the vort to the best of my ability in this post.  Any perceived inconsistency is the result of my efforts to transcribe the shiur and should not be attributed to the maggid shiur.

R' Frand started the vort with a story about someone who came to the Gerrer Rebbe and told him that he gets depressed every summer. Why? Because the parshios in Sefer Bamidbar are filled with complaining. The Jews complain in this parsha about the Manna. In the next parsha is the story of the Meraglim and the decree that they would wander in the desert for 40 years. The follwing parsha is Korach and they complain about the leadership, followed by Chukas and the snakes. And then in Parshas Balak they are mezaeh with the women of Midyan. One after the other there is bad news about Klal Yisrael and this depressed him.

[R' Frand editorialized that this what depressed Jews of old, now they are depressed about the stock market.]

R' Frand then discussed the story of the slav where the Jews had complained about meat. Within the story is a pasuk (Bamidbar 11:33) הַבָּשָׂ֗ר עוֹדֶ֨נּוּ֙ בֵּ֣ין שִׁנֵּיהֶ֔ם טֶ֖רֶם יִכָּרֵ֑ת - the meat was still within their teeth when Hashem got upset at them. The Gemara in Chullin learns from here that after one eats meat he must wait before eating dairy - because the meat was still between their teeth. The pasuk was not talking about the way that food was digested, but the Gemara still learns this from there.

Thereafter Mar Ukva says, I am nothing like my father. I am vinegar as compared to my father who was wine. Why? Because after he had meat he would wait 24 hours to have dairy, but I would just not eat dairy at the same meal as meat. 

We must assume that Mar Ukva was not a glutton, but was it that difficult to follow his father's ways? 

R' Frand said that there is an important lesson - you need to be on a certain level to accept certain Chumros. You can't just do the act, you need to do it for a purpose. Yes, he could have done the act of waiting 24 hours, But it would be a hollow act, because his father did it out of Yiras Shamayim.

R' Frand quoted a Gemara in Yoma about a woman named Kimchus that seven of her sons were Kohanim Gedolim. They asked her how she merited this and she responded that the walls of her house never saw her hair. So they responded to her - many others have tried this and did not have the same reward. Why not? Because Tznius is due to her feeling a presence that Hashem was there and she needed to have amazing Tznius. But to cover one's hair just to be zoche to have a son who is a Kohain Gadol is not enough. Merely taking on a Chumra without feeling a need to do so is hollow. Mar Ukva was saying, I don't feel as much Yiras Shamayim as my father, so my waiting 24 hours would pale in comparison to him.

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