The following is a brief summary of some of thoughts said over by R' Frand on the parsha this evening. I have attempted to reproduce these vorts to the best of my ability. Any perceived inconsistency is the result of my efforts to transcribe the shiur and should not be attributed to R' Frand.
R' Frand focused his vort on the Mizbeach HaKetores which is the last Mitzva in the parsha. He noted that many meforshim, including the Ramban, Ibn Ezra and Seforno all ask why this is commanded in Parshas Tezaveh, since the Klei HaMikdash are all mentioned in Parshas Terumah?
R' Frand answered based on the Sefer Simchas Mordechai who explains that the reason why the Mitzva is in this parsha is because essence of being a Kohain is the Ketores.
R' Frand mentioned many sources including two thoughts from the Medrash Tanchuma. The first was a ma'amar of R' Yitzchak Ben Elazar who noted that the Kohanim did many acts of avodah, but the Shechina did not descend until they brought the Ketores. The second ma'amar was a statement that Hashem said that of all the sacrifices that are brought, none is as dear to Him as the Ketores. The Medrash explains that all of the sacrifices come in order to atone, such as the Chatas and Asham, while the Ketores is just Simcha for Hashem.
R' Frand also noted that on Yom Kippur, the only sacrifice that is brought in the Kodesh HaKodashim is the Ketores.
R' Frand quoted the Medrash that when Moshe went up to receive the Torah there was an argument with the angels. After the argument subsided, each angel gave Moshe a present and the gift from the Malach HaMaves was to teach Moshe that Ketores can abate a Mageifah.
[R' Frand noted that at the beginning of Corona, people were saying Parshas HaKetores as a Segulah].
R' Frand also observed that the Ketores was the test when Korach chose to challenge Moshe and Aharon.
R' Frand then pivoted to discuss how the Ketores was emblematic of Aharon. He quoted Pirkei Avos which states that Aharon was Ohev Shalom and Rodef Shalom and would bring Jews together. As a result he was Zoche to wear the Choshen on his heart. Much like Aharon who brought people together, the Ketores was made of 12 spices, including the Chelbanah which had a foul smell, but with the other spices created such a sweet aroma that women did not need to wear perfume. So too, the Jews need to be united and to include all kinds of Jews when we come together on Ta'anis Tzibur as taught by the Gemara in Kerisus as well as we see in the beginning of the Kol Nidrei prayer.
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