Thursday, July 15, 2021

Thursday's Parsha Tidbits - Parshas Devarim

 Since there are no Rabbi Frand shiurim on the Parsha until Elul, I would like to substitute a vort from other Rabbanim each week, rather than leaving the blog without a vort for shabbos. This week, I am attempting to repeat a vort heard from R' Eli Mansour as recorded on ( Same rules as usual apply - I have attempted to reproduce the vorts to the best of my ability. Any perceived inconsistency is the result of my efforts to transcribe the shiur and should not be attributed to the maggid shiur.

Rabbi Mansour noted that the Apter Rav writes that the Shabbos of Chazon is one of the most special Shabbosim, although we don't necessarily feel that way. It is our hope that we can turn the Shabbos Chazon into Shabbos Nachamu. He tied this into a discussion of Parshas Devarim which I will excerpt in this post.

Rabbi Mansour quoted a Rashi in Devarim 2:5 (d'h Yerusha) which noted that there were ten nations in the Land of Cana'an, not the seven we commonly believe. Rashi states that the Keini, Kinzi and Kadmoni were not yet inherited as they were not conquered in the time of Yehoshua. The mekubalim write that the seven are symbolized by the seven Haftaros of consolation and the three which we have not yet conquered are the three of "Purane'ous" - Amon is for the first parsha, Moab is for the second and Edom is the third - Parshas Chazon.

Rabbi Mansour quoted Devarim 2:2-5 in which Moshe states that the Jews will be passing through the Edom region who are described as our brothers, but that the Jews should be careful of them, because Hashem will not give the Jews עַ֖ד מִדְרַ֣ךְ כַּף־רָ֑גֶל כִּֽי־יְרֻשָּׁ֣ה לְעֵשָׂ֔ו נָתַ֖תִּי אֶת־הַ֥ר שֵׂעִֽיר - that Hashem wont even give them a foot step, because Har Seir was given to Edom as an inheritance.

Rabbi Mansour quoted the Ramban who explained that our lineage goes through Avraham and Esav is our brother through Avraham. But why is this mentioned here? And why is there an instruction to be very careful not to fight with Esav?

Rabbi Mansour gave a simple explanation that since Esav has previously tortured Ya'akov there was a natural inclination to get revenge and therefore there was an instruction not to do so.

But R' Mansour quoted R' Sorotskin in Aznayim L'Torah who gave a deeper explanation. He discussed a gemara in Bava Basra 7b where R' Nachman quotes Shmuel who stated that brothers who divided a field do not have easement rights to traverse the other's field to gain access to his own field. This is the reason that the Jews are only told that they cannot take a foot step through Esav's land (as opposed to Amon & Moab who the Jews are also forbidden to go to war with, but they are not told they cannot walk through). Since Esav and Ya'akov split the land and Esav was given the land of Seir as an inheritance, we cannot trespass on their land.

R' Mansour then examined the word עַ֖ד, noting that Rashi quotes a Medrash who says that the Jews cannot walk through Seir until the moment that is prophesied by Zecharya (14:4) that Hashem will stand on the Mt of Olives and the mountain will crack open. The Ibn Ezra says that there will be a miracle on that day, but it has not occurred yet. Thus, in the parsha of Shabbos Chazon there is a nechama - a consolation.

But what does this Medrash have to do with Devarim in that the term the "foot step" is mentioned? R' Mansour answered by quoting a Medrash in Shemos Rabbah which states that Hashem took revenge three times. The first was against the generation of the flood and this was revenge when Hashem was sitting - as it states in Tehillim that Hashem was Yashav. The second was against Egypt, where it states that Hashem was Avar - it was a quick pass through. But in the future Hashem will stand up when he punishes Esav - this is the most severe, This is the foot step - Hashem will stand on them as a revenge for all that they have done.

R' Mansour also quoted the Sefer Parparos L'Chachma who explained the bracha of V'Lamlshinim in Shemoneh Esreh. The bracha has the language S'Aker, U'SeShaber, U'SeMager, each of which has to do with wiping out one of the three remaining nations, as the root of S'Aker is with an ayin - vs Amon. The word SeShaber begins with a sin which is for Seir - Edom. The word SeMager has a mem which is Moab. In the future, all three will be wiped out.

R' Mansour then noted that the Arizal connects each negative commandment with a day of the year. The negative commandment for the 9th of Av is the issur of Gid HaNasheh. The Chassam Sofer explains that the night that Ya'akov fought the angel of Esav was the night of Tisha B'Av and the extra Es in the pasuk telling the Jews not to eat the Gid Hanesheh is rashei teivos for Tisha B'Av.

R' Mansour quoted a gemara in Avodah Zara where Antonius asked a Rav about the World to Come and whether he would be there. When he received a yes, he said, but the Torah says that no one from Esav will be there? The responded that if they convert, there will be a place in the World to Come for them. 

The Chassam Sofer explains that this is why the Jews will inherit Esav in the future. As a brother, he will inherit when no remnant of Esav is left.

R' Mansour then quoted the Yismach Yosef who said that he saw in a dream the pasuk from the Haftorah for Toldos where Hashem says that He loves Ya'akov and hates Esav his brother. He sw in his dream that the reason that Esav and Ya'akov were twins (as opposed to merely brothers) is because they shared a nature - Ya'akov struggled to rid himself of the Esav side. But this is why Hashem says that He loves Ya'akov, because he overcomes the element of Esav in him.

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