Thursday, July 1, 2021

Thursday's Parsha Tidbits - Parshas Pinchas

The following is a brief summary of some of thoughts on the parsha that R' Frand spoke about in his shiur tonight. I have attempted to reproduce these vorts to the best of my ability. Any perceived inconsistency is the result of my efforts to transcribe the shiur and should not be attributed to R' Frand.

Rabbi Frand noted that Sefer Bamidbar begins and ends with the counting of the Jewish people. It is for this reason that it is referred to as Chumash HaPikudim and in English, the Book of Numbers.

R' Frand noted that in the count in this week's parsha, Dan has 64,600 men whereas the tribe of Binyamin had 45,000. R' Frand quoted the Chofetz Chaim Al HaTorah which observes that Dan had only one son and Binyamin had ten sons. While statistically it would have been improbable that Dan would have more offspring than Binyamin, the Chofetz Chaim explains that it is not for us to calculate as Hashem has His plan, sometimes it is readily apparent and sometimes the result is only revealed generations later.

R' Frand quoted Rabbeinu Yonah who similarly observes that Hashem has the ability to change the Teva or Mazal as He sees fit. Even when it appears that trouble is on the horizon, Hashem has the ability to make changes.

R' Frand closed this vort by quoting R' Biderman who cited a Medrash which states that Dan was depressed when he went to Ya'akov for a beracha at the end of Ya'akov's life. He told his father that he was sad because he only had one son and the son was deaf. Ya'akov responded that he should not be concerned. We see this in the seemingly unrelated pasuk in the end of his blessing in Bereishis 49:16-18. After a discussion of what Dan will do, Ya'akov remarked in 49:18 - לִֽישׁוּעָֽתְךָ֖ קִוִּ֥יתִי יְהֹוָֽה - for Your salvation I hope, Hashem. This was Ya'akov's message to Dan.

R' Frand also said a vort related to Pinchas and the middah of Ka'anus. He stated that for every Mitzva in the Torah there is a rule that a Mitzva which is performed Shelo L'Shma is accepted as by doing something Shelo L'Shma, a person will come to do it L'Shma. However there is one exception - being a Kan'ai. A person who acts this way must be entirely L'Shma.

R' Frand closed the vort with a story that R' Schwadron told about himself. He was a great Ba'al Tefilah and when he went to cities he was often asked to daven for the amud. One Shabbos he found himself in a city for Shabbos Rosh Chodesh. As the gabbai was walking in his direction at the beginning of davening, he anticipated being asked to daven Shacharis, but the gabbai passed him and asked someone behind him. He thought, maybe they will ask me to say Hallel, but they did not. He thought to himself that perhaps they will ask him to daven Mussaf, but the gabbai took it for himself.

When the gabbai started the Chazaras HaShatz for Mussaf he finished Kedusha and then began saying Tikanta Shabbos. R' Schwardon yelled out three times "Ata Yatzarta." He later said about himself that one was for Shacharis, one for Hallel and one for Mussaf, implying that his yelling out of correction was not truly L'Shma...although R' Frand doubts the story actually occured.

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